“Of all our human resources, the most precious is the desire to improve.”

Are your managers your most valuable asset? Are they taking leadership initiatives and managing performance with higher productivity and better profitability?

In most businesses, the employees represent both an organization’s biggest expense, and its most valuable asset. This means the company’s productivity, and ultimately, its profitability depend on making sure all of its workers perform up to, if not exceed, their full potential.

Firstly, P3 System establishes the baseline performance, and fixes key drivers of profit. The next step is to set profit growth targets, and illustrate how this target will be achieved through improvement in Productivity &

Profitability metrics (PP metrics). Then, it uses PP metrics to analyze current productivity and profitability, and provides action points for improvement.

P3 System takes care of both individual performance & Deptt/ process performance in rather simpler and efficient way. It measures performance of each individual irrespective of the fact that he/she belongs to a direct process Deptt like Manufacturing or Engineering or is part of support Deptt like HR or Administration. It uses Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) report and daily reports of DWM (Daily Work Management) as the foundation to analyze and track performance of individual and of the process to which the individual is linked. Each employee has to input their daily activities, and system does the remaining calculation and integration to common platform (or Productivity & Profitability {PP}).

By providing you with business insight and actionable points, P3 System aims to serve as a backbone for your whole business, and provide an objective and unbiased monitoring and encouragement system for employees.

  • Marketing Consultancy : Helps you improve sales performance
  • Process Consultancy : Helps your company improves operations, productivity and profitability

Methods :

  1. Through monthly performance review, and suggesting changes.
  2. Benchmarking Exercises
  3. Utilization of performance and management tools